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Trout tourney giving out big bucks
Tight Line Jr., Donny Branch - photo by Photo provided.

Hello, friends and neighbors. I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend. I am looking forward to the fall weather rolling in; it’s my favorite time of year for fishing.  
Speaking of fishing, I want to announce the Trout Bout Fishing Tournament Saturday, Sept. 15 at Two Way Fish Camp. Entry fee is $40 per person.  First place is $1,500, second place is $1,000, and third place is $500.
Now for a little extra incentive: The folks at Two Way are offering an extra $100 if you launch at Two Way and win. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. The weigh-in times are 2-4 p.m. There also will be competitions for lady anglers and kids younger than 17.  Now, Cricket is the man to see down at Two Way for all your bait and anything you may need for the trip. For those folks who are not familiar with Two Way Fish Camp, it is right across the bridge south of Darien on the left next to Mudcat Charlie’s. Cricket told me that the trout are biting in the area, with only a few reports of some trout being undersized.
For more information, call Johnny Crosby at 912-270-1670.  
I do have a report from our part of the county. Dale Tuten and his son were fishing with Larry Gaddy Jr. of Planting Hammock, and they had a nice mess of fish. They had one of the largest whiting I’ve ever laid eyes on. It was a big bull. They also had a nice variety of spottail bass, trout and flounder — all the makings for a good, old, afternoon fish fry.
I found out this week that you can still get bait at Yellow Bluff Marina. Rayburn still has live shrimp and minnows; I certainly was glad to hear that.
If you need bait, Sunbury Crab Company also has live shrimp and minnows; the Midway Feed and Supply has fresh- and salt-water bait; and Half Moon Marina has live shrimp.
Hey folks even if you don’t enter in the tournament, you can ride down for the weigh-in and have a cold beverage from Mudcat Charlie’s.  Who knows? I may see you there.
It sounds like the fish are biting, so you need to call a friend and get out there and wet a hook. Remember what Old Tight Line always said: Get out there and go fishing, and if you do, always remember to keep a tight line. I say, hit the docks, keep a sharp eye and watch that cork go down.
Until next time, happy sailing.

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