I recently went to the NAACP Liberty County forum, concerning the upcoming council, mayor elections, being a resident (38 years, same telephone number)/homeowner (36 years, same house, telephone number, Sharon, Elaine, Lesa Street Hinesville, a one time beautiful neighborhood, yeah you heard me right, now, mostly filthy, rat, crime infested!
I did run for city council 3rd district, 4 years ago on a platform of a simple $50 homeowner property tax refund. Homeowners only, not the real estate industry. I lost, no homeowner refund?
Okay, let’s see what was promised, all were going to be transparent, what is transparent?
If I was on the stage each candidate must tell us what was “untransparent” about their opponent and two other candidates, my bet no answer. Next let’s discuss “blight,” like Sharon, Elaine, Lesa Street if you are on the city council/Mayor or going to be on, what are you going to do clean up this and each candidate from each district is to nominate a blighted area from 1 other district, but you can’t pick on a other blighted areas (and both real estate industry candidates who love Hinesville, I wonder who “hates this city” ?)
The issue of homelessness, some of the drug counselor candidates say the homeless have “problems,” hmm, don’t we all have “problems” ?
Lastly one candidate for mayor says we the city shouldn’t balance the budget on the backs of homeowners, this candidate told me that when the city lowers the city millage rate, the county just raises it. Well my county commissioner was at the forum and gave me a response by the mayor candidate, and I’m downright CONFUSED !!!
Earlier in October, 2019 I spoke to the current mayor of Hinesville, on the No. 13 tee box of the Taylor’s Creek Golf Course with his golfing partner, former Mayor ( he wrote that “letter” to the Courier, quoting Edmund Burke/Billy Edwards,) the mayor told me when the city raises “enough” sales tax , maybe homeowners will get tax relief. Lastly, I’ve helped pick up garbage on Elaine, Sharon Street ( some from rental/real estate industry property), Downtown Hinesville, St. Catherine Island, our only neighborhood watch chief, not getting a nickel, yet the real East industry “big wheel, money changers” have done NOTHING that I know of for this neighborhood, probably Hinesville, unless they get their pictures in the media, please don’t give a lecture on giving back !!!!
Joseph B. Stuart