LCRD football, cheerleading
Liberty County Recreation Department youth football and cheerleading registration is open until Aug. 17. The programs are for 7-12-year-olds, and the age eligibility deadline is Sept. 1, 2012. Children who are 7-8 years old play flag football and 9-12-year-olds play tackle football. Weight restrictions apply to all tackle football participants.
The cost is $20 per child. All equipment is provided except pants for tackle football players. Teams will be formed in Midway, Walthourville, Riceboro and Gum Branch if there are enough participants. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams.
More information and online registration are available at or by calling the LCRD office at 876-5359.
Register for soccer at LCRD
Liberty County Recreation Department youth soccer registration is open Aug. 1-17. The program is for children ages 4-17 as of Aug. 1. The fee is $20 per child. Games will be played on weekday evenings at James A. Brown Park starting in late September. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams.
More information and online registration are available at or by calling the LCRD office at 876-5359.
LCRD after-school program
Registration is under way for the 2012-13 after-school program at the Liberty County Recreation Department. The program provides a safe and fun after-school alternative to day care for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Transportation from school, snacks, recreational activities, study time and more are included. The cost for the program is $45 per week, and a limited number of slots are available. Call 876-5359 for more information.
Competitive cheerleading
Registration is under way for the Liberty County Recreation Department’s competitive cheerleading program for children ages 10-14 as of Aug. 31. Team practices will be Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. The squad will participate in at least four competitions in 2013. The fee is $50 per month. More information and online registration are available at or by calling the LCRD office at 876-5359.
Aerobics with Rocky
Registration is under way at the Liberty County Recreation Department for Aerobics with Rocky. Classes are from 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Button Gwinnett gymnasium. The cost is $15 per month, and a limited number of slots are available. Call 876-5359 for more information.
Women’s body sculpting
Registration is under way at the Liberty County Recreation Department for women’s body sculpting. Classes are from 5-6 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays in the Liberty County High School weight room. They started Tuesday and run through Sept. 26.
The instructor is LCHS teacher and track coach Keith McGee, who is a USAW certified coach. The cost is $60. Call 876-5359 for more information.
Long Co. football/cheerleading
Applications for Long County football and cheerleading are being accepted now through Friday. Fees are $25 until Aug. 10, $35 after that. The ages for football players are 7-12, and cheerleaders are 5-12. For more information call Michelle Rogers at 912-545-9112.
Archery exhibit
Cassie Pelton, 17, an Olympic hopeful, will present an archery exhibit at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Liberty County YMCA, 201 Mary Lou Drive in Hinesville. Call 876-2225.
Bombers recruiting
The Georgia Bombers, a semi-professional football team, is having tryouts at 2 p.m. Aug. 28 at Joseph Miller Park in Midway. Anyone with football experience is welcome to try out. For more information, call coach Darrell West at 321-9945.
Youth bowling
Fort Stewart Youth Bowling will register bowlers ages 3-18 from 9 a.m.-noon Sept. 8 at Marne Lanes on Fort Stewart. The league starts at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 28. Call Jeff Eastlake at 369-8384 or 977-2015 or Marne Lanes at 767-4866 for more information.