Beware of commercial dog food: My friend Elise, who owns a dog, recently told me that she had been surfing the net to look into the contents of commercial dog food. I decided to look up what she had told me. I was shocked! Here are some of the things that are found in commercial dog food. Dead animals, road kill and euthanized pets. Diseased animals, downed animals from farms. Drugged animals, hormones and antibiotics, deadly preservatives, ethoxyquin, BHA and BHT, corn and wheat gluten. by products of animals. Fecal matter from euthanized pets from shelters. If you look up Artemis Holistic Dog Food you will see all this information. Wheat gluten is one of the things that causes dogs to scratch themselves, besides fleas. If you own a dog or dogs, you need to look into this. My friend has begun to cook big pots of rice, vegetables and meat for her dogs and is staying away from commercial food.
It was a done deal: If you've lived in Liberty County long enough, you know that anything the public is against, the county is for. The county continues to tell us that they have the right to negotiate real estate deals in secret. I would like to see this in writing. What they aren't telling the public is that this piece of property where they are going to build a marina is about 200 feet from water. That's going to be one looooonnnnng boat hoist.
Tax assessors statements: Call me frugal or maybe its just because I live on a fixed income, but every penny means something to me. Hypothetically, if 30,000 tax statements went out and both sheets of paper had been put in one envelope instead of two, $12,300 could have been saved. Perhaps only half of the taxpayers qualify for the KDW exemption, so those taxpayers would have only received one sheet, then $6,150 of taxpayers money still could have been saved. I know, I know, it's our money and that's why they don't mind squandering it.
Tire concern: On the news on Friday of last week, there was a scary report on tires. It seems when you go and purchase a "new" tire, it is not always new. They sell it to you as new, but this report pointed out that some of the "new" tires actually were as old as 12 years. There is a little indented circle on your tire that tells you the age. I am going to check out the two new ones I bought two years ago with the dealer I purchased them from. There are numbers like 414-4, 4202-6, 231-17, 459, that tell you how many weeks into a particular year that the tire was actually manufactured. They showed tire remnants along highways as proof that these tires do not hold up like they are supposed to. I am grateful for these investigative reports, because they save lives. I might even go out to Tire Rack at Sunbury and let them look at my two tires to see if I got taken.
How to solve the gas problem: Simple, just quit sending space ships into outer space for one. Why are we doing this? What purpose does it serve? Millions of gallons of fuel are wasted on this program. Secondly, our city, county and state governments need to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles. And when you get out of them, shut the engine off! Quit flying all these jet planes from here to there. If you have to fly, government officials, fly in a private plane, not a Lear jet. There's a lot of waste of fuel in our military also. And above all, there needs to be a stop to movie makers wasting tons of fuel on explosion scenes and creating fires, etc. This could work folks. This is where all our fuel is going. We, as private citizens could pool rides to work, pool rides to the grocery store. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Garden report: Well, my Rutgers, Brandywine, Celebrity and Parks Whopper tomatoes are full of tomatoes. My banana peppers are full of blooms also. My eggplants and red bell pepper plant are slow growing and my cucumbers are beginning to vine. No luck this time with my okra. Not one seed came up. Right now I have about close to a hundred seeds planted in small pots under my deck, that are starting to show life. I still have Roma and Cherry tomato seeds to plant, along with Murumi kumquats, cantaloupe, tangerine and Indian hawthorne seeds. Somewhere in Hinesville, I think at the Dairy Queen, there are blood red crepe myrtles that I hope to get seeds off of in the fall. Right now my yard is really coming to life. I have nandina blooming, amaryllis, gladiolas, milkweed, spirea, bottlebrush, cross vine, butterfly weed, gerbera daisies, buttercups, oak leaf hydrangea, sesbania and red honeysuckle blooming. I have planted my yard so that throughout the spring, summer and fall I have lots of things blooming. My most spectacular plant, besides my loropetalum, is my cassia tree, which blooms the entire month of October. I have to add to the list my devil's walking stick, fringe tree, pineapple guava and my chaste tree. My "hidden ginger" given to me by Diane at the Midway Museum, is so awesome right now. My rescued haw tree was full of blooms last week and is now full of little apples. My chestnut tree is blooming for the second year, but so far no nuts. My fuyu persimmon bloomed for the first time, but all the blossoms fell off. I will also have a bumper crop of pink grapefruits. My property is totally covered with native partridgeberry blooms, which is a vine and the fruit is edible. The squirrels and birds have a feast off them. I have managed to get some of my mulberries, which are so delicious. I will have a bumper crop of Fry and Cowart scuppernong grapes also.
My five fig trees are now full on fruit. Now do you realize why I am addicted to my yard? It gives me so much pleasure to walk amongst the trees, bushes and plants and enjoy what they give back to me. Just remember to save seeds from the things that you eat. You wonít regret it when you see what they produce.
I am going to start highlighting each plant in my yard and give you a background on each in my column.
It was a done deal: If you've lived in Liberty County long enough, you know that anything the public is against, the county is for. The county continues to tell us that they have the right to negotiate real estate deals in secret. I would like to see this in writing. What they aren't telling the public is that this piece of property where they are going to build a marina is about 200 feet from water. That's going to be one looooonnnnng boat hoist.
Tax assessors statements: Call me frugal or maybe its just because I live on a fixed income, but every penny means something to me. Hypothetically, if 30,000 tax statements went out and both sheets of paper had been put in one envelope instead of two, $12,300 could have been saved. Perhaps only half of the taxpayers qualify for the KDW exemption, so those taxpayers would have only received one sheet, then $6,150 of taxpayers money still could have been saved. I know, I know, it's our money and that's why they don't mind squandering it.
Tire concern: On the news on Friday of last week, there was a scary report on tires. It seems when you go and purchase a "new" tire, it is not always new. They sell it to you as new, but this report pointed out that some of the "new" tires actually were as old as 12 years. There is a little indented circle on your tire that tells you the age. I am going to check out the two new ones I bought two years ago with the dealer I purchased them from. There are numbers like 414-4, 4202-6, 231-17, 459, that tell you how many weeks into a particular year that the tire was actually manufactured. They showed tire remnants along highways as proof that these tires do not hold up like they are supposed to. I am grateful for these investigative reports, because they save lives. I might even go out to Tire Rack at Sunbury and let them look at my two tires to see if I got taken.
How to solve the gas problem: Simple, just quit sending space ships into outer space for one. Why are we doing this? What purpose does it serve? Millions of gallons of fuel are wasted on this program. Secondly, our city, county and state governments need to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles. And when you get out of them, shut the engine off! Quit flying all these jet planes from here to there. If you have to fly, government officials, fly in a private plane, not a Lear jet. There's a lot of waste of fuel in our military also. And above all, there needs to be a stop to movie makers wasting tons of fuel on explosion scenes and creating fires, etc. This could work folks. This is where all our fuel is going. We, as private citizens could pool rides to work, pool rides to the grocery store. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Garden report: Well, my Rutgers, Brandywine, Celebrity and Parks Whopper tomatoes are full of tomatoes. My banana peppers are full of blooms also. My eggplants and red bell pepper plant are slow growing and my cucumbers are beginning to vine. No luck this time with my okra. Not one seed came up. Right now I have about close to a hundred seeds planted in small pots under my deck, that are starting to show life. I still have Roma and Cherry tomato seeds to plant, along with Murumi kumquats, cantaloupe, tangerine and Indian hawthorne seeds. Somewhere in Hinesville, I think at the Dairy Queen, there are blood red crepe myrtles that I hope to get seeds off of in the fall. Right now my yard is really coming to life. I have nandina blooming, amaryllis, gladiolas, milkweed, spirea, bottlebrush, cross vine, butterfly weed, gerbera daisies, buttercups, oak leaf hydrangea, sesbania and red honeysuckle blooming. I have planted my yard so that throughout the spring, summer and fall I have lots of things blooming. My most spectacular plant, besides my loropetalum, is my cassia tree, which blooms the entire month of October. I have to add to the list my devil's walking stick, fringe tree, pineapple guava and my chaste tree. My "hidden ginger" given to me by Diane at the Midway Museum, is so awesome right now. My rescued haw tree was full of blooms last week and is now full of little apples. My chestnut tree is blooming for the second year, but so far no nuts. My fuyu persimmon bloomed for the first time, but all the blossoms fell off. I will also have a bumper crop of pink grapefruits. My property is totally covered with native partridgeberry blooms, which is a vine and the fruit is edible. The squirrels and birds have a feast off them. I have managed to get some of my mulberries, which are so delicious. I will have a bumper crop of Fry and Cowart scuppernong grapes also.
My five fig trees are now full on fruit. Now do you realize why I am addicted to my yard? It gives me so much pleasure to walk amongst the trees, bushes and plants and enjoy what they give back to me. Just remember to save seeds from the things that you eat. You wonít regret it when you see what they produce.
I am going to start highlighting each plant in my yard and give you a background on each in my column.