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Property tax relief needed
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Editor, I would like to ask the property owners throughout the state of Georgia to contact your Georgia House of Representatives and ask them to have the property tax system abandoned or modified for some type of tax relieve.
Request your state representative to have the local sale and services tax placed on this coming year’s election ballot, to alleviate the burden of property taxes. This is a fair system, as all citizens would pay these taxes instead of just property owners. Property owners have appealed superficial values, which have been placed on our properties through the Property Tax Office and Board of Equalization. Property taxpayers have been asking for a tax relief from our local representatives and our many pleads have fallen on deaf ears.
To contact your state representative go to this website: legis/2005_06/house/05alpha.htm or Google your representative. Call, write, contact them soon. Georgia House of Representatives will be in session starting Jan. 14. Georgia House of Representatives will be in session for only 40 days; you don’t have long to contact them on this issue. It will take some time for this issue to be placed on this falls voter’s ballot. Do not wait. Your representative needs to hear from you within a few days.  
We Americans have the freedom and live in a democracy. I would like to thank our military’s service throughout the years for providing this freedom. Please get out and exercise your right to vote for a change on these taxes issues. We are not in Boston but we can have a tea party.
Happy New Year.

Ricky Parks
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