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Feel like youre drowning? Learn how to walk with Jesus on water
If you feel like giving up, read this. - photo by Tiffany Fletcher
When Jesus walked on the troubled water towards His disciples in the boat, Peter asked if he could come out and meet Him. The Savior said, "Come."

Without hesitating, Peter left the boat, walking on the water just as Jesus was doing. But before Peter could make it to Jesus, he lost faith and began to sink, crying out to the Lord to save him.

Often, we are like Peter. When the Lord calls, our faith is strong in the beginning. But somehow, in the process, we take our eyes off the goal and lose our footings.

Sometimes life tests us to see whether we will sink or swim. We can learn much from Peters example that can help us not only swim but also actually walk on water.

Here are five actions you can take to make it safely to Jesus.

1. Keep your eyes on Jesus

Peter doubted only when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm instead.

Storms are going to blow through your daily life. As a matter of fact, life is nearly a constant cycle of storms coming and going as they please. It is when you choose to focus on those storms that you start to sink.

But, the storms arent given to you so you can be consumed by them. They are given to you so you can learn to remain focused on Jesus.

If you can focus on Jesus and learn to drown out distractions, you will safely walk on water.

2. Be of good cheer

One of the only phrases Jesus said to his disciples in the boat was, "Be of good cheer."

When you learn to have a cheerful heart, it is easier to drown out the storms. Storms are only storms because you choose to see them that way. When you make a conscious decision to see the good in the storms, the storms no longer negatively affect you.

After all, every sail needs wind and every plant needs rain. When you cheerfully do all you can do, you can stand still with complete confidence that God will do the rest.

3. Do not doubt

Peter asked the Lord to allow him to come to Him, and Jesus responded by telling Peter to come. But, because he relied only on his own understanding of the world, Peter doubted that he could make it to Jesus. It was his doubt that caused him to sink.

You need to believe that if God asks you to do something, He will create a way for you to do it. There is no trial, no hardship, no test that God has asked any of us to get through that does not have a way to overcome.

The way is provided by God, Himself. You can trust in Him. Do not doubt His plan for you.

4. Do not fear

Peter feared the waves. He feared the wind of the storm. Perhaps he even feared his inability. And once his fear was paired with his doubt, he could no longer walk on water.

You cannot fear those things God has brought into your life. Fear does not come from God; it comes from Satan, and Satan uses it to keep you from being remarkable.

When you learn to overcome fear in your life, you learn to overcome Satans hold on you. You are free to become who God needs you to become, even if that means walking on water. You can do all things through God; but, if you are susceptible to the tools of Satan, you cannot fully embrace Gods power to save.

Have the courage to do hard things and never fear them. All things are possible with God.

5. Reach out to Jesus

There will be times when you lose the very foundation you're standing on. In those times, make sure you reach up, as Peter did, and hold on to the hand of Jesus. He is standing ready to save every single one of us.

Sometimes you may not be ready to walk on water; in those times, if you choose to hang on to Jesus, He will never let you drown.

Jesus lifted Peter from the water and rescued him. By holding on to Him, Peter walked safely back to the boat on the water that alone he could not tread. When you choose to hold on to Jesus, He can help you do those things you thought were impossible. With Him, you can do those things you could not do alone.

Jesus is your Savior, which means He will save you when youre drowning, when youre sinking, when youre falling and when you feel youre failing.

He will give you strength, lift you up, fight your battles and even carry you if necessary. His love is perfect, and so is He. Keep your eyes on the Savior and let Him rescue you.
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