For many of us, this past year has been a struggle. We’ve struggled to keep our families together, we’ve struggled to pay our bills and we’ve struggled to find happiness in the middle of our storms. But as we grow from day to day, we understand that our struggles are simply a part of our living, and your attitude about the situation is what allows you to see the silver lining that surrounds every cloudy moment in life.
I’m reminded of an old saying, “Your attitude will determine your altitude.” In other words, if you have a sorry attitude about the situation, then you will remain in a sorry state of mind. But if you can carry a positive attitude into a negative situation, you always win because you leave the situation with victory, no matter what the outcome is.
Apostle Paul, while facing a king who could have sentenced him to death, stepped into the court and proudly said, “I think myself happy!” Yes, it looked bad on the outside, but on the inside Paul was content because he knew who he was in Christ. This attitude of contentment is always a breeding ground for happiness.
Sometimes life comes at you fast. Whenever I would find myself in a rough spot, I’d always call my mother. She would say, “Son, If God leads you to it, he’ll bring you through it.” And I would get off the phone with a new attitude about the struggle I was going through.
The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ. I challenge you, in this New Year, to have a new attitude about your present and your future. There really is nothing too hard for God, but you must believe. This year starts off with, 1-1-11; one is the number of new beginnings. Let a new beginning start within you. Change your attitude and watch God change your situation. New year, new attitude.
On behalf of the United Ministerial Alliance of Liberty County, I say to you, happy New Year! I encourage you to get involved in your community. We’ve talked about it; now let’s make some great things happen for Liberty County. This is our home, whether it’s for a day or for a lifetime. If you are a pastor, minister or clergy member, please consider joining the UMA of Liberty County. We can do things better when we do them together. E-mail me at
Hayes is the president of the United Ministerial Alliance and Pastor of New Day Outreach Ministry.
Get a new attitude for the new year
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