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Prayer and Pledge: Boy running late stops to honor God and country
Despite running late for school, a Texas boy stopped to recognize the Pledge of Allegiance and pray. - photo by Koster Kennard
Royce Thompson, a kindergartener in Sante Fe, Texas, was walking into his elementary school when he heard a nearby class reciting the pledge of allegiance. He stopped to join in and then said a short prayer.

As Thompson was rushing into school, his mother snapped a photo and shared it on Facebook. Almost 2 million people have shared or commented on the photo since it was posted last week, according to Fox 26 in Houston.

"I was saying 'Royce ... go ... go' as kids walked around him," wrote Thompson's mother in her facebook post. "Well, he didn't budge and I thought what is this child doing?"

When asked what his prayer was about, Royce said he was praying to thank God for a wonderful day.

"I was so proud that he stopped when the Pledge of Allegiance came and stood his ground and did not move as the other kids were going in and then took time out and prayed and did not even care or think twice about it," Thompson's mother wrote in her facebook post. "This is such a beautiful picture."

Click here to read the original story and watch the video.
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