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Show appreciation for your ministers
In the pulpit
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“It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-13, New Living Translation).
In this verse, the apostle Paul tells the church members that God places special people in the body of Christ to prepare them for works of service. God did not want his special people to fall prey to false doctrine and teaching, so he sent ministers to help them grow spiritually.
These ministers are frontline ambassadors who work tirelessly for their churches, often neglecting their own families for their ministry work. Their schedules are a far cry from typical eight-hour work days. The men and women of God give selflessly of their time and service to help members grow as Christians. Pastors spend hours channeling God for sermons and Bible study lessons.
In an effort to recognize these soldiers of the Gospel, October is Clergy Appreciation Month. For a few short weeks, let us honor and appreciate our ministers for their service.
Since members of the clergy dedicate so much time and work to their congregations, we need to show them how grateful we are. Of course, church members don’t have to wait for a special month to thank their ministers, but it’s nice to set aside a special time during which clergy members are made to feel extra-special.
Pastors play an important role in churches and communities. They wear many different hats and are constantly called upon to tend to the sick and visit hospitals, nursing homes, jails and prisons. These men and men of God go to great lengths to make themselves available. They’re happy to lend an ear to anyone who needs to talk and they provide reassurance that everything will work out.
As a church member, your kindness and support can help make a pastor’s load a little lighter. If your church has never held an appreciation program, October is a good month to begin. Let your pastor know what s/he means to you. Don’t be shy about expressing your appreciation.
Give your pastor a gift, assist him or her with household maintenance, invite  a minister and his or her family to dinner or offer to run church-related errands.
And let’s not forget: One of the best gifts you can give your pastor is the gift of faith. It’s important to remind those around you that you are a dedicated, committed member of the church. Volunteer your services to help build up the ministry. There are many tasks in the church that need to be tackled. Use the gifts and talents God has blessed you with to help your church. Don’t wait until the pastor asks you to do something — be proactive and volunteer.
Continue to pray for pastors and their families as they strive to do the work of the ministry.

Anderson is the author of “Lack of Knowledge” and “Dare to Soar.”
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