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The door is open, but why won't this dog come inside?
The dog is sitting just outside the house where his owner is beckoning him to come in. But, he doesn't. He moves as if he is trying to get his owner over to open the terrace door. Even the treat on the ground doesn't convince him to run through the "door." - photo by Wendy Jessen
Have you ever walked into what you thought was an open door, but it was really a closed screen door or a really clean glass door?

This dog is not taking any chances.

The dog is sitting just outside the house where his owner is beckoning him to come in. But, he doesn't. He moves as if he is trying to get his owner over to open the terrace door. Even the treat on the ground doesn't convince him to run through the "door."

At last, one of the owners walks up and pretends to open the invisible door. Free to come in, the dog finally enters and retrieves his treat.

How many of us have invisible doors or walls that are holding us back?

We sometimes keep ourselves from achieving goals, progressing, moving on or doing something we really want to because of the voice in our head that tells us we can't. Yet, the door is open. There is no road block; we only have to start walking to get to where we want to be.

Just like the dog in the video, we sometimes perceive a closed door when it is really open and waiting for us to take the first step. Sometimes, all it takes is someone to show us it's open and has been all along.

Fear may be our invisible door preventing us from taking the first step. But, "You'll never know unless you try." It takes a leap of faith to try something new especially when it seems like your goal or dream is too big. "If your dreams dont scare you, they arent big enough!" said Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Read "17 things you absolutely need to stop doing in order to make your life amazing."
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