Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
At the Division of Driver Services, if you wait more than 30 minutes, your license renewal is supposed to be free. That was mandated by one of the former governors, so why is it not honored now? Also, if you have a red line on there, it means you had a previous DUI. It should not be on there.
Why are our elected city officials putting sidewalks down Jack Hill Road instead of the two dead-end roads, Bradwell Extension and Kings Road? Our students walk down the middle of both roads daily on their way to Snelson-Golden and Joseph Martin. This is an accident waiting to happen as cars speed down both roads.
Mr. Thomas and Mr. Frasier, just because you’re black, does not give you the right to call someone unpatriotic. If you look at the thing and the spelling, and you know your education, you would not have said it was unpatriotic. That is a horrible thing to say because you do not agree with him.
The bumper sticker in Long County; the killing in Sanford, Fla. Mayor Thomas, take your head out of the sand. Racism is alive, and living in your city.
Hinesville needs a no-smoking ban in the county, especially at Walmart.
Sound off for April 13
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