Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity nor do we know what motviated the callers:
My husband works at the state prison here and he hasn’t had a raise in seven years, he gets no money for overtime and he works overtime at least four times a week. I’m so upset. I want to know what the governor’s doing with all that money.
I’m a homeowner at the Wildwood Home subdivision on White Circle. They just repaved the roads and it’s worse than it was. There’s a whole bunch of debris that they left behind and they should come back and clean it up because it’s just nasty.
People, please wake up. The rich are using all kinds of taxes to conquer and divide us and put fear in our hearts so that we will then attack each other. Please understand what’s really happening now.
The commercial says you’re in good hands when you’re with a certain insurance company. I got to thinking, aren’t we in better hands with Jesus?
Sound off for April 27
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