I was behind the Liberty County Transit bus today going to Fort Stewart, and I asked the gate guard, “How many people normally ride the transit bus?” I was told, out of nine buses entering Fort Stewart, there are only three people riding them. Normally there’s just a bus driver, I was told. This is fraud, waste and abuse of federal, state and local tax dollars.
I’d like to know where professionalism has gone on Fort Stewart. Anytime you can walk into the inspector general’s office and see a man standing behind the counter that’s supposed to be waiting on people wearing a white undershirt and shorts, come on, let’s be realistic. That is not professional.
I wish the state had put out the information about drivers’ license requirements earlier than just posting it the first of July. It’s a big hassle, and nobody’s going to be able to get their license, which means there are going to be a lot of people driving without them. Somebody needs to do something about it.
This is for my friend, I saw you the other day. Please find a man that you can take home at night, and not a man that needs to take you when they need you. Please do that for yourself, you deserve better.
Everybody’s concerned about the yellow and purple building in Midway. When is somebody going to be concerned about the old Choo-Choo station on Pate Rogers Road? It’s all growed up, it’s an eyesore, and it reflects on our community.