I’m still waiting for an explanation from Comcast about the 14-hour massive cable outage that we received on July 1. I’m also waiting for an article about the outage in the Coastal Courier.
How about a true “Survivor” program? We could eliminate jails and jailers by reopening Alcatraz and letting the killers, rapists and other violent criminals police themselves. Sounds like justice to me.
This is in reply to the guy who bought the paintball gun, telling gas thieves not to get the gas out of his tank: Well, my husband has a gun right by his bed, and he’s not afraid to use it. So I wouldn’t suggest any gas thieves come through this way.
Why does Long County let four-wheelers rampant throughout the county? I’m required insurance and a drivers’ license, and they just run rampant. Why can’t they do something?
Come on Hinesville, you’re putting all these hotels up. These people need a place to eat. You need more buffets, you need more IHOPs — oh man, come on, we need some big restaurants and a lot of restaurants here, too. How are you going to feed these people when you want them to stay in a hotel?