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Sound off for Oct. 23
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These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can verify neither sources nor motives. You may also anonymously submit a comment online at

"OK, Long County residents, when you go to the polls next time for the board of education, remember who raised your taxes."

"What’s up with not having any white city bus drivers? I’m sure the other race wouldn’t put up with that."

"If teachers are not teaching and very little learning goes on in the weeks leading up to the holidays, why are the teachers still employed. Tax money should not be spent on teachers who cannot or will not teach."

"To the callers complaining about Chick-fil-A being closed on Sundays, the owner decided back in 1946 to allow Sundays for him and his employees to rest and worship, if that was their choice. Thank you, Chick-fil-a for upholding strong values. For the complainers, go elsewhere or cook."

"Why are you allowing Mayor Daisy Pray to treat these appointed leaders in such unprofessional and evil ways? Why are we allowing her to attempt to run off another leader? Mayor Pray, how dare you reprimand the police chief for assigning his sergeant to give the statistics in a city council meeting?"

"Last Monday, I noticed a sign with a new city ordinance posted on the doors of Hinesville City Hall about human trafficking and slavery. For does the following fall into this category. For we have landlords that let people stay in rundown substandard housing having to work for them to cover the rent."

"Board of education members, please talk to school administrators and teachers before hiring Dr. Perry as superintendent."

"Bullying takes place at all levels in schools systems. It can happen student to student and teacher to teacher. School administrators can also bully educators to a point of leaving the teaching profession. Each type of bullying has a negative outcome."

"Calling for the lynching of people is exactly why these players are protesting. It isn’t the flag or the troops. They are protesting the unfairness and inequality going on in America. You just proved their point."

"Citizens and council members of Walthourville. Something needs to be done about the mayor. She does not need to be elected into another term. She is doing an injustice to the citizens of the community by her actions. Mayor pro-tem find your kahunas and have her removed from office. "

"The Courier needs to investigate why so many inappropriate teacher relationships are being hid by the BoE at Long County. "

"I want to do a shout out to Mr. Perry at the school board office. I have heard lots of good things about him. I believe he is helping to restore my faith with help for staff and students in our schools. I have never wanted to leave our system until these past four years. Thank you, Mr. Perry and God bless you for your help."

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