Candidates for four-year soil and water conservation district supervisor positions are being sought for this year’s general election on Nov. 6.
District supervisors serve as unpaid state officials who represent their counties in support of soil and water conservation activities. Typical supervisor duties include:
• working with landowners and developers to implement soil and water conservation measures on land-disturbance sites and agricultural lands
• distributing information about natural-resource conservation programs to youth and adults
• conducting public demonstrations for best land-management practices
• reviewing erosion and sedimentation control plans for land-disturbing activities
To qualify for the position, a nomination petition with 25 signatures from registered voters in one’s county must be turned in by noon Friday, May 25, to the local county elections superintendent. Eligible candidates must be a registered voter of the county in which he or she runs.
To qualify for the position, you must complete a nomination petition with 25 signatures from registered voters in your county.
Nominating petitions for candidates will be accepted until noon Friday, May 25, by your county elections superintendent. Eligible candidates must be a registered voter of the county in which he or she runs. A person cannot hold another elected office in Georgia and also serve as an elected soil and water conservation district supervisor.
Go to and click on “2012 District Supervisor Elections” or call 706-552-4470 for more formation.
Supervisor candidates sought
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