Walt Disney Animation Studios' second official "Zootopia" trailer showcases the "gleaming city where animals of all breeds, predator and prey alike, live together in peace and harmony" mostly.
The story follows Officer Judy Hopps, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, a rookie officer and the first bunny on the force, who is determined to prove her potential to the larger mammals. Enlisting the help of a scam-artist fox named Nick Wilde, voiced by Jason Bateman, they set out to crack the case.
The trailer, which was released on Thursday and quickly garnered thousands of views, implies the movie will be filled with a bit of satire and plenty of silliness.
The movie is directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore and co-directed by Jared Bush. The trailer also features Shakiras new single "Try Everything."
"Zootopia" is expected to hit theatres on March 4, 2016.
Click here to view the official trailer on YouTube here.
The story follows Officer Judy Hopps, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, a rookie officer and the first bunny on the force, who is determined to prove her potential to the larger mammals. Enlisting the help of a scam-artist fox named Nick Wilde, voiced by Jason Bateman, they set out to crack the case.
The trailer, which was released on Thursday and quickly garnered thousands of views, implies the movie will be filled with a bit of satire and plenty of silliness.
The movie is directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore and co-directed by Jared Bush. The trailer also features Shakiras new single "Try Everything."
"Zootopia" is expected to hit theatres on March 4, 2016.
Click here to view the official trailer on YouTube here.