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Vendors sought for Earth Day festival
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A call for vendors is under way for the 2014 Earth Day Festival, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, at the YMCA soccer fields on Mary Lou Drive in Hinesville.
Organizations and businesses are invited. The event drew more than 1,100 registered participants in 2013. Vendors can host a prepared exhibit, game or craft that only needs manpower or bring their own activity and supplies. Organizations also are en-
couraged to be sponsors.  
“This annual event is our way of providing needed environmental education, and we disguise it as fun,” Keep Liberty Beautiful Director Sara Swida said. “We wouldn’t be able to make this possible without over 175 of our wonderful volunteers from local groups and businesses that host all the activities.”
This festival attracts more than 1,000 visitors and 60-plus organizations that provide volunteer power.
The event will feature door prizes, crafts, games and activities, plus live music from local band 3rd Class Citizens.
For more information or to register, call KLB at 880-4888 or email

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