Sign up now to visit Meinhardt Vineyards and Winery near Statesboro with Leisure Travel. The tour and tasting will be at 4 p.m. on Feb. 7.
Participants must be 21 or older. The cost is $20 per person. Later that evening, join the group for dinner (at your expense).
Registration continues until Feb. 2. For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart or 315-3674 at Hunter.
Rifle range closed
Maintenance and environmental work on the B4 training area will close the Pass and Permit Rifle Range on Jan, 17, 19 and 24. For more information, call 435-8061.
Bowling on holidays
Help Stewart Bowling Center celebrate Ben Franklin Day from 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Jan. 17). There will be special offers to bowlers, including shoe rental for just a penny.
Two days later, the center will help mark Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday with Penny per Point games from 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Jan. 19. Here is how it works: total points bowled for all games per person is what you pay. Shoe rental is extra.
The grill closes at 6 p.m. For more information, call 767-4273.
Dinner and bowling
Families can get discounts on dinner and bowling from noon-8 p.m. Jan. 25 at Stewart Bowling Center. For $30, your family of five gets two games of bowling per person, shoe rental and dinner. For more information, call 767-4273.
Red pin bowling
Stewart Bowling Center has Red Pin Bowling on the first and last Sunday of each month. On Jan. 25, from 6-9 p.m., when a red pin comes down in the number one position, notify a staff member and if you roll a strike and you win a free game. Cost is $2 per game and $2 shoe rental per person. For more information, call 912-767-4273.
Monday play at treehouse
Starting this month, Mondays are play days at Cypress Sam’s Treehouse for children 0-5 years old. Beat the post-holiday blues by bringing the little ones out from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. every Monday. The cost is $2 per child. For more information, call 767-4273.
Daytona 500 tickets
Sales of Daytona 500 tickets are under way at the Stewart/Hunter Leisure Travel offices. Prices vary depending on seats. For more information, call 767-2841 on Stewart or 315-3674 on Hunter.
Tickets are available for the Budweiser Duel and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 19; the Daytona 300 Xfinity Race and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 21 and the Daytona 500 and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 22.
Rink repair
Corkan Family Fun Center is closed until March 1 while the skating rink flooring is replaced and new barrier constructed.
Building 449 also houses the laser tag area and bounce houses. They will not be available until the work is done.
The work will not affect Cypress Sam’s Treehouse Indoor Playland, Cypress Creek Adventure (Mini) Golf, and Stewart Bowling Center. All will operate on normal schedules.
For more information, call 767-4273.