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Users can post own events into What's Happening
What's Happening lets users view listings of events as line items or panels and adjust how far away they want to search for events. - photo by Screenshot is changing our event listings later this week.

For several months, we have had a Community Calendar and a Regional Calendar of Events. They will be consolidated into one, which will be called What’s Happening.

Site users will still be able to post their events, though you’ll have register with our third-party calendar provider, City Sparks, even if you’ve registered with the Courier in the past.

It is free to register.

The new calendar has been running on the site for several months. We thought it would be less confusing and a better use of space to consolidate the listings.

The City Sparks format won out because it is a regional listing which users can manipulate so they’ll see events happening only a few miles from their homes or include all events within 150 miles.

You can also purchase advertisements online to promote your event on the site.

Check out What’s Happening here.

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