The Liberty County Chamber of Commerce (LCCOC) made a donation in the amount of $250 to Liberty College and Career Academy (LCCA) for technology upgrades.
“It was our pleasure to partner with the Liberty College and Career Academy as we have both recently become Grow With Google Partners. This partnership allowed us to bring in a Google instructor to our community for the purpose of educating our businesses. We know that this partnership, along with our donation to LCCA will be put to good use by Karisa Young, CEO and her team,” said LCCOC/LCCVB CEO Leah Poole.
Created as a start-up charter under the Georgia Charter Schools Act, the Liberty College & Career Academy operates with the consultation of a board of directors that meets monthly under the supervision of the Liberty County School System in collaboration with Savannah Technical College, the Chamber and the Liberty County Development Authority.
Beginning in the 10th grade, LCSS students participate in Career Pathways offered at LCCA for two blocks per day. Coursework completed at LCCA counts as elective credit toward the high school diploma, and in some cases, students can earn credit from Savannah Technical College.
All technical college credits earned at LCCA through dual enrollment is at no cost to the parent.