View the above photo to view weekly crime map, courtesy Hinesville Police Department.
Crime map, July 24-July 30
Due to ongoing construction on I-95 South at the Ogeechee River bridge, traffic is being diverted to Highways 119 and 144. Both state roads run through active training areas on the Fort Stewart Army installation, home of the 3rd Infantry Division. Motorists are urged to exercise caution while traveling down these highways due to the ongoing military training in the area.
The 3rd Infantry Division currently is conducting field training exercises now through the end of the month. As a result, motorists can expect increased tank and tactical vehicle traffic and a heavy soldier presence on Highways 144 and 119.
Electronic signs have been placed on both highways to alert motorists of the tank crossings. Motorists are asked to:
• Reduce speed in areas with active soldier and vehicle presence as indicated by the signs.
• Look out for amber flashing lights and soldiers wearing road guard vests, which indicate soldier presence in or near the roadway.