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GSU, BI biology initiatve up for award
0918 BI bio program 2
Bradwell Institute students load DNA onto an agarose gel for analysis. - photo by Photo provided.

The Technology Association of Georgia, an association dedicated to the promotion and economic advancement of Georgia’s technology industry, recently announced that Georgia Southern University’s molecular-biology initiative program, which partners with Bradwell Institute, is a finalist in the post-secondary outreach category for the 2013 Georgia STEM Education Awards.
The partnership, coordinated by BI science teacher Donna Hanson, brings hands-on, high-tech science labs to high-school students in an effort to increase the relevance and rigor of the current science curriculum and address the Georgia Performance Standards.
“As a partner teacher, Mrs. Hanson has been instrumental in the success of the MBI program, along with her supporting school and school-district administrators,” said Dr. Laura Regassa, director of the MBI program.   
The awards recognize schools, programs and companies for outstanding efforts and achievements in supporting and promoting science, technology, engineering and math education in Georgia.  Winners in each category will be honored Sept. 27 at the Georgia STEM Education Awards.
“Recent studies show that Georgia will need to fill approximately 211,000 STEM-related jobs by 2018,” TAG President and CEO Tino Mantella said. “The 2013 Georgia STEM Education Awards finalists are helping to prepare the tech-ready workforce to fill these jobs and we applaud them for standing out as leaders in Georgia’s educational community.”

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