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Long sixth grader in state writing contest
Long County Schools GYA writing grade-level winners were, in front, Abigail Rowan (5th grade), Kendra Swafford (4th), Cadance Couture (3rd), Hannah Ussery (2nd), Dylan Manibusan (1st) and Kahylynn Floyd (kindergarten); in back, Thomas Gordon (12th), Jake Hester (11th), Genesis Alvarez (10th), Malia Roberson (8th), Adrian Stenski (7th) and Adrianna Steffen (6th). Not shown: Hannah Durrence (9th). - photo by Photo provided.

The Long County Schools Young Authors Conference was March 30 at First Baptist Church in Ludowici.

It recognized the accomplishments of the system’s grade-level winners and other young authors who participated in the Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition. Participants enjoyed a morning of music, storytelling and comedy by Sean Driscoll, the founder of The Story Ship, and Chris Rumble, author, illustrator and musician.

The grade-level winning entries were sent to the First District Regional Educational Service Agency, where staff then chose regional grade-level winners out of the 18 schools systems it serves.

The FDRESA winning entries have now been sent to the Georgia Department of Education to be considered for the state contest.

Long County’s sixth-grade winner, Adrianna Steffen, was chosen as the regional 6th-grade winner. Her entry will now advance to the state for further consideration.

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