When classes begin this month, students at Savannah Technical College will find many new opportunities available to them, including expanded instructional programs in automotive technology, semester scheduling, transferability for core courses to University System of Georgia schools and a new state-funded, student-loan program.
Savannah Tech is expanding its offerings in automotive technology at the Liberty campus, offering an ASE-certified curriculum including certificate, diploma and associate-degree programs covering all major component systems.
For the first time, Savannah Tech will offer classes on a semester calendar, featuring two 16-week semesters and a shorter summer term. The statewide initiative will bring the Technical College System of Georgia calendar into alignment with public schools and University System of Georgia institutions, making for a more seamless delivery of education. At the same time, TSCG and USG have inked an agreement that guarantees transferability for 10 college core courses between the two systems, making it easier for students seeking to enroll in different institutions.
The state recently approved a new low-interest loan program for students who graduate high school with at least a 2.5 GPA and maintain at least a 2.0 in college. Savannah Tech students would be eligible to receive these loan funds if they meet the eligibility requirements.
New opportunities at Savannah Tech Liberty

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