Soldiers from the 703rd went back to school last year at Liberty Elementary. This time last year, military personnel were not learning new skills, nor were they conducting routine training missions. Instead, soldiers volunteered their time at Liberty Elementary to support students and teachers in learning and fun.
After meeting with Capt. Bradley Cooper last week, Liberty has learned that many activities and events again will be supported by the 703rd.
Cooper served during the 2011-12 school year as the operations officer for the partnership between Liberty Elementary and the 703rd.
Throughout last year, soldiers volunteered for a variety of school events, including open house, the first day of school, Fall Festival, Families in School Day, Field Day, and Career Week.
For each of those events, at least 30 soldiers went to the school and participated in activities. For example, soldiers set up games for Fall Festival and Field Day and built bridges on school grounds to promote safety during Field Day. Soldiers also helped prepare and run the book fair during Fall Festival and Families in School Day, and they directed parents and students to classrooms during open house and the first day of school.
On a daily basis for the entire year, three to five soldiers reported to the school and assisted students with schoolwork. The volunteers listened to students read, worked on math skills with small groups of students and helped individual students finish assignments.
During a six-week period from February to March, soldiers conducted a CRCT boot camp for students in grades three through five. As students prepared for the statewide assessment, 20 soldiers per day reported to the school and conducted study groups.
As the new school year begins, a partnership will develop between Liberty Elementary and a new military operations officer.
“As we look forward to the new school year and the new partnership with Capt. Grady Hutchins and the 703rd, Liberty Elementary would like to salute the volunteers of the 703rd and Capt. Bradley Cooper for a job well done,” school officials said.
School continues link with soldiers

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