HINESVILLE, Ga.– Join the City of Hinesville and Liberty County as we celebrate GIS Day on November 18.
The two GIS offices and the Liberty County Tax Assessors Office will co-host a one-day virtual event on Wednesday, November 18 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. This virtual event will provide an opportunity for everyone to learn and explore the benefits of GIS and will include story maps and map galleries – showcasing work from all offices. Event attendees will be able to enjoy presentations and live chat with GIS staff to discuss current and potential uses of GIS technologies throughout the day. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) uses the location and spatial component of data to help decision making and problem-solving. In Hinesville and Liberty County, the GIS offices work closely with residents and various government departments, such as law enforcement, the Emergency Management Agency, Assessors Office, Public Works, Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission and fire departments. Current services provided by the GIS offices include performing analysis on spatial distribution, developing mobile apps for field data collection, creating online and printed maps and maintaining GIS data. The mission of the three (3) offices is to continuously improve our GIS services to increase efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the services our government provides. In recent years, the Hinesville and Liberty County GIS offices have also assisted the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) during hurricane seasons on damage assessments. Those reports are crucial for FEMA to determine whether residents are qualified for individual assistance for hurricane damages. The GIS offices have also assisted in the Hinesville’s participation in the Community Rating System program, which helps lower flood insurance premium rates paid by residents. This event will be a live virtual presentation and is FREE and open to the public. Details can be found in the City’s Facebook event group at facebook.com/HinesvilleGA. A link to the virtual platform will be posted on Tuesday, November 17 to the Facebook event group and the City’s website. To learn more about the City of Hinesville GIS, please visit cityofhinesville.org. To learn more about Liberty County GIS, visit libertycountyga.com. To learn more about the Liberty County Tax Assessor’s Office, visit libertycountyga.com. For more information, please contact Wincy Poon, GIS Coordinator for the City of Hinesville, at wpoon@cityofhinesville.org or Whitney Morris-Reed at wmorrisreed@cityofhinesville.org or 912.408.3569.