The Hinesville City Council approved a request Aug. 15 to give the Sequoia Circle Drainage Phase 2 contract to Palm Coast Utilities. The contract is for the amount of $138,000. Funding is set to come from SPLOST 6 along with other acquired funds.
They also approved a Memorandum of Agreement between the Coastal Regional Commission (CRC) and the City of Hinesville to authorize the forming of the Southeast Georgia Regional Alliance for Spatial Solutions (SEGRASS) for consideration. SEGRASS will work with Hinesville and Liberty County jurisdictions for shared projects which will be defined through addendums. The annual cost included in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget is $10,100.
A request to approve the submission of a joint application to the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, for considering of disparate allocation under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG), on behalf of Hinesville Police Department (HPD) and Liberty County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) was approved. This was for the HPD to purchase two digital in-cast audio and video recording systems for $8,610, and for the LCSO to purchase one DragonEye Speed Lidar for $2,069.95. The City Council also approved a submission of the 2019 Emergency Food and Shelter Grant to the Coastal Empire. This will be to support the Homeless Prevention Program for hotel and motel vouchers when waiting to move participants into homes.
The City of Hinesville will be changing the look of their water bill which will be mailed out at the end of this August. Customers will also get an insert explaining the new look.