Last week, the city of Ludowici received $88,871 in remediation funds from the Coastal Regional Commission/Office of Economic Adjustment.
Mayor Myrtice Warren said the money was distributed to the city for several projects that were completed in preparation for a planned fifth brigade at Fort Stewart. The brigade was later canceled. The projects included increasing the number of vehicles at the police department and increasing potable water capabilities for the city, Warren said.
The remediation money will offset the costs of the new police cars and the downtown water tower refurbishment.
"We are very thankful to Jack Kingston for making this money available for projects like these and also to the folks with the Coastal Regional Commission, OEA and the Fort Stewart (Growth Management) Partnership. We had to go into debt to complete these projects and now we can pay that money off," Warren said.
The remediation check Ludowici received was the first of three payments scheduled to be paid to the county. The reimbursement will total nearly $5 million. According to earlier reports, the Long County Board of Education will receive $2.9 million and the Long County Board of Commissioners will receive $1.9 million.
Remediation funding was made available to governments in Liberty, Bryan, Tattnall and Long counties to lessen the negative financial impact stemming from the fifth brigade’s cancellation.