From Hinesville Police Department reports:
Simple battery: An officer was sent to a Trevor Street address around 9:30 p.m. April 21.
What follows is taken verbatim from the report narrative, almost.
"Upon arrival I made contact with the (victim). She advised she and her boyfriend … were having an argument. She was packing her belongings to leave the resident and (he) kept following her around the house trying to provoke a fight. (The victim) said ‘I was packing my stuff from the bathroom and he came in here and (sat down on the toilet to use the bathroom), knowing he could of used the other bathroom so I smacked him.’"
The man said much the same. "He advised while he was using the bathroom (the victim) smacked him in the face."
The officer then noted: "(He) did not have any physical marks from the smack."
Warrant procedures were explained to each of the people.
Burglary: An officer was sent to a Wayfair Lane address around 4 p.m. April 21 to talk to a man who said he came home to find his fishing rods and a tackle box were missing from his shed. The man then told the officer "he saw the fishing rods in his neighbor’s yard," the report said. "His neighbor … advised he did not know how the fishing rods ended up in his backyard."
But the neighbor’s son did. "(He) advised on this date at 0900 hours, a black male wearing a black shirt put the fishing rods in the backyard and ran off with the tackle box."
The report ended this way: "No further description was given. The fishing rods were returned to (the owner) without incident. The tackle box is still missing."
Found property: An officer was flagged down on Barry McCaffrey Boulevard at 7 a.m. April 22 by a man "who advised me he wanted to show me something which was under his vehicle. He backed his vehicle up and there was a black Taurus Millennium G2 9MM handgun … laying in the roadway. I put on a pair of gloves and cleared the weapon. There was one round in the chamber and ten rounds in the magazine making eleven rounds. The gun appared to have been thrown out of a moving vehicle as it was scuffed and damaged."
The officer had the gun’s serial number checked and there were no reports of it having been stolen. It was unloaded, with the ammunition and pistol placed into separate bags, then and taken to HPD for safekeeping.