Animal complaint, June 3
Route 2, Ludowici
A complainant told deputies she fed her pet rabbit around 9 a.m. and when she went to check on it at 12:30 p.m. the animal was dead. She reported the cage was still locked but someone or something had cut three of the rabbit’s legs off and a fourth was partially off. The case is under investigation.
Animal complaint, June 4-7
Mary Alice Court, Ludowici
A complainant reported dogs or some other animal killed 10 of her rabbits between June 4 and 7. The deputies noted the rabbits were caged when killed and some of the cages were damaged. It was also noted the complainant had problems with her neighbor’s dog in the past.
Traffic incident, June 12
Highway 196, Ludowici
A man reported damage to the front grill, bumper and hood of his Chevy Suburban when he hit a deer.
Controlled substance, June 15
Route 2, Ludowici
While serving a bench warrant, deputies discovered a bag containing what appeared to be marijuana inside the pants pocket of the subject.
Disorderly or indecent conduct, June 17
Beards Bluff Road, Ludowici
Deputies responded to a domestic dispute at Adamson Fish Camp. It was reported most of the people involved in appeared to have been under the influence of alcohol. While trying to separate the individuals and maintain control, one of the people started resisting and yelling. She was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Weapons charge, June 18
Jefferson Circle, Allenhurst
Deputies responded to reports of gunfire at a house. When deputies arrived, they questioned several people until someone pointed them in the direction of a person of interest. The witness said a man went to the residence, shot several rounds into the air and then ran back to his house. Deputies found the man passed out on a bench in his yard. The man would not comply with orders and deputies used a Taser to subdue him. The deputies then got consent from his wife to enter the home where they found a shotgun.
Criminal trespass, June15
Country Road 261 and Highway 196, Glennville
Someone tried to steal a seesaw from the playground at the Little Rock Baptist Church. Deputies determined someone was able to throw the see-saw over a fence but was unable to move it further. The deputies returned the seesaw.
Harassment, June 11
Whit Fraser Road, Hinesville
Three complainants informed the sheriff’s office they were receiving calls on their Alltel cell phones from a restricted number. The unknown caller was asking all three women about the daughter of one of the complainants.
—Patty Leon