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Story time highlights wildlife refuge

The Long County Public Library hosted its final Outdoor Story Time event on Wednesday, July 20. 

The final guest readers were volunteers Allie Porreca and Claudette Tilley from the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. They read “Deep in the Swamp” by Donna M. Bateman and illustrated by Brian Lies, a story about counting using swamp animals. 

Both Porreca and Tilley also brought different items from the Okefenokee including a replica of an alligator's head, a gator egg, pictures of their exhibits and brochures and other reading materials. 

While Porreca read to the kids, Tilley gave out facts and information about the different animals that live at Okefenokee. 

"My hope is that we bring enough interest that the children will want to come see us at the refuge and learn the difference between what a wildlife refuge does compared to a national park," Porreca said. 

Tilley was equally hopeful about getting kids to visit the Okefenokee. 

"We want to teach the children what a refuge is," she said. "We want them to know what we do and what we protect, so that when these kids are there, so will the wildlife." 

During the summer, the Wildlife Refuge also has activities for children, including a day camp, where kids are taught how to fish and taken out to the homestead to see how homesteaders live. Kids can also take a boat tour of the swamp to learn about the flora and fauna and watch a film at the visitors' center. 

In November, Pioneer Days at the Okefenokee will feature people dressed in period clothing to demonstrate how those from the past lived. Kids will also learn how to make cane syrup, as well as more about conservation. 

More photos here: wildlife

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