Dr. Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful
It’s always fun to get together with family and friends. When I was home in Detroit, we had a cookout, and I love how Detroit recycles bottles at its local stores and centers. Most bottles are returned for money, but there is a bin for other returnables that do not have a deposit.
This summer, while having fun enjoying cookouts and trips to the beach and parks, you can still be mindful of how to be green:
1. Throw a greener BBQ. An average BBQ can produce a ton of waste if not planned. At your next BBQ, switch your usual paper products to reusable containers and utensils. Also, propane burns much cleaner than both wood and charcoal briquettes. If you can’t resist charcoal, remember that any leftover briquettes can’t be recycled, so don’t forget they must go in a non-combustible garbage bin. While you’re at it, use clearly labeled recycling and waste bins for your guests!
2. Protect your skin and the environment. Protecting your family from the summer sun is important. Be sure to choose a green sunscreen, and apply it frequently to block harmful UV rays. Avoid nanoparticles, and look for a mineral based product.
3. Get creative and repurpose old beach accessories. You can incorporate old sand pails and shovels into your home garden!
4. Keep your home cool. Leave your blinds closed to reduce the need for air conditioning. Also, set your thermostat at a higher temperature during the day when no one is home.
5. Pack light. Be picky when packing and include only the necessities. Heavy luggage in cars and planes uses more fuel.
6. Volunteer. Use your free time to help others, like by joining our Rivers Alive Cleanups starting this month.
7. Leave your destination better than you found it. When you are out camping or enjoying the river, make an effort to clean up after yourself before you leave.
8. Grow your own vegetables. Planting a vegetable garden is a fun way to teach children about the food they consume, and they’ll enjoy learning about the growing process. You may encourage them to stick to locally grown foods, as most are trucked less than 50 miles before ending up on your dining table.
9. Clean out your closets. There are many things that you can make from recycled clothing. Cut off the top of a pair of jeans that no longer fit and make a cute bag, or cut fabric into long strips and braid them together to create a cloth rug. If you have a stash of plastic bags, you can cut them into pieces and crochet a reusable bag. And if you don’t have time to upcycle, find the nearest clothing donation dropbox.
10. Collect and use rainwater. This is a fun activity to do with your children; they’ll love collecting rainwater when it rains on a hot summer day. Give everyone a bucket and let them collect water on their own, or head to the hardware store to buy a rainwater barrel. Then, use the water to give your household plants a drink, or allow your children to use it for a fun water activity.
KLB is sponsoring a Build Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop in September, when Georgia Coastal Management Program, in partnership with Coca-Cola United, is coming to Liberty County! Look out for more information.
As we enjoy all our summer festivities with family and friends, remember that we were all born to help the Earth, not destroy it. Let’s all do our part in caring for our home!
At Keep Liberty Beautiful, our mission is to inform our community to take green daily steps toward a cleaner, greener and more beautiful place. You can participate in this mission by participating in the upcoming Rivers Alive cleanups. Sign up via the Keep Liberty Beautiful Facebook page or contact us at (912) 880-4888 or klcb@liberty countyga.com.