Dr. Karen Bell, Keep Liberty Beautiful
The Gift of Time Is Priceless
Valuable is the work you do, Outstanding in how you always come through.
Loyal, sincere, and full of good cheer, Untiring in your efforts throughout the year.
Notable are the contributions you make, Trustworthy in every project you take.
Eager to reach your every goal, Effective in the way you fulfill your role.
Ready with a smile like a shining star, Special and wonderful — that’s what you are!
Living in Liberty County, you do not have to look far to see volunteers’ hands at work. Our community benefits from volunteers in so many ways. They raise money and awareness to fight terrible diseases. They feed the hungry and protect those being abused.
And Keep Liberty Beautiful volunteers take care of our environment and encourage others to do so. We should celebrate volunteers every day.
At KLB, our programming absolutely depends on the involvement of volunteers, but many community services do, too. Obviously, volunteering is a positive experience for organizations and for the community, but it also provides many positive benefits for volunteers.
Involvement can offer some clear benefits over time to youth volunteers and their families. By doing things that interest them, teens often gain new skills. They can explore potential career opportunities that they hadn’t thought of before.
It can also broaden their understanding of the world and give them insight into the concerns and problems of those who are less fortunate.
Significant research demonstrates many powerful benefits of volunteering for youth. In a summary report by the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Service, it is noted that youth who volunteer for just one hour a week or more are 50% less likely to abuse alcohol or cigarettes, become pregnant, or engage in other destructive behaviors.
The report also cites the benefits of character development noted in youth volunteering:
• Learning to respect others
• Learning to be helpful and kind
• Learning to understand and accept others who are different
• Developing leadership skills
• Developing patience
• Developing citizenship skills Expanding those characteristics would benefit all of us, young or old.
Research also suggests numerous benefits for the 30 million seniors over 55 who currently volunteer. “Volunteering keeps people mentally active; it keeps their weight in check, their heart healthy, and their memory sharp,” according to Sharon Brangman, MD, chair of Geriatric Medicine at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse.
“Essentially, it’s a drugfree way to keep you feeling young.”
Volunteering as a family is also a great way to stay connected as your children grow and an excellent way to develop strong relationships with all of your family members.
KLB wants to thank all of these fantastic people for taking the time to make a difference. We invite you to attend our volunteer appreciation event on Wednesday, May 25, from 5–7 p.m., when we will transform La Quinta Inn into the Roaring 1920s! Please RSVP by Friday, May 20, using the following RSVP link: https://forms.gle/ WdLsnEe83v1DPVou9.
Don’t forget to dapper up because this year’s theme is the Roaring ’20, so wear your favorite flapper dresses and suits!
Wearing 1920s-themed clothing is encouraged but optional. If you would like to start volunteering with KLB, simply contact us at (912) 880-4888 or klcb@libertycountyga.com.
KLB’s next Great American Cleanup is Saturday, May 21, at Walthourville City Hall from 9 a.m. until noon.
Come join us, or schedule your own cleanup!
To learn more about our mission and KLB events, call (912) 880-4888 or email klcb@libertycountyga.com.
Also, be sure to follow Keep Liberty Beautiful on Facebook and Instagram.