Dr. Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful
When you think about it, you may have volunteered for something once or twice in your lifetime.
For me, volunteering comes naturally, and I truly believe God has put it on my heart to serve.
You may think it is funny, but I have tried to not volunteer, and it never works. Now, I am not complaining; I am just saying that when you have that desire to help others, you just do it! I raised my son, Bryan, and now my grandson, Bryce, to treat others with respect and help whenever possible. OK — they get “volunteered by me” a lot, or “volun-told.” Still, they do it, and I believe that makes them better people and a blessing to this community.
Being involved in your community, such as with your local church, school or organizations like Keep Liberty Beautiful, can make a difference in where and how you live. I found that to be true while I was in the military and stationed at different bases. When soldiers contribute to their community, it benefits the city and the military base. Volunteerism is good for the soul and heart, and I think it is something we all should strive to do.
We all benefit from the outstanding Keep Liberty Beautiful volunteers here in Liberty County. They donate their time to make a difference in our community, by taking care of our environment and encouraging others to do the same. We should celebrate volunteers every day, and we were so honored to celebrate our volunteers last week. Keep Liberty Beautiful could not be the award-winning program it is today without KLB staff, volunteers, sponsors, partners and advisory board members!
We transformed the La Quinta Inn & Suites into the period of the Roaring ‘20s. The KLB staff, advisory board and volunteers dressed up and dined on foods that were popular during that time. The celebration’s highlight was the amazing charcuterie grazing table — it was spectacular! One of our board members, Jenelle Gordon, with the assistance of Joe, created the masterpiece. It was such a fun and joyous event.
Who knew that volunteering could be such a positive experience for the person who volunteers, the organization, and the community benefiting from the involvement? A considerable amount of research demonstrates many compelling benefits of volunteering for youth and adults. In an article called “How Volunteer Work for Teens Works” by Eleanor Duse, it is noted that the benefits of volunteer work for any age are nearly endless. Volunteer work increases people’s understanding of others’ lives. It gives people a new outlook on the world and the problems others face.
When I read this in the article, I told my young volunteers with Keep Liberty Beautiful, American Red Cross and the American Cancer Society that volunteering has additional bonuses. It looks fantastic on college applications, and sometimes it makes you eligible for individual scholarship assistance or financial aid. Repeated or dedicated volunteer work demonstrates that people care about changing the world and supporting their communities.
Some other benefits that build character development noted in youth volunteering are:
• Learning to respect others
• Learning to be helpful and kind
• Learning to understand and accept others who are different
• Developing leadership skills
• Developing patience
• Developing citizenship skills These benefits strengthen the character development of adults, too! When families volunteer together, it is a great way to stay connected and improve your community. If you want to volunteer with Keep Liberty Beautiful or learn more about our programs, call (912) 880-4888 or email klcb@libertycountyga. com. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram or our website at www. keeplibertybeautiful.org.