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Keep Liberty Beautiful
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Hello, my name is Sara, and I am addicted to shopping. I make no apologies for this addiction — I mean hobby.

For some of us, shopping is our version of the caveman’s — or cavewoman’s — need to hunt. When I shop, I like to feel good about where I am shopping. I like to go to attractive stores.

I do not mind looking for secondhand items as long as the store is still clean and organized and attractive. I get claustrophobic if it is junky inside and out.

Maybe I am superficial, but part of what I am paying for is the pleasure of shopping.

Evidently, there are many shoppers like me. Consumer research indicates that attractive settings and businesses increase sales. The store location, landscaping and even the appearance of the business district itself can enhance commerce or hamper economic success.

Our business community plays an important role in the economic success of our entire community. The appearance and vibrancy of our business districts also play a significant role in attracting businesses and industries, as well as visitors and tourists. Attractive businesses are far more than pretty faces.

We recognize the role businesses have in the attractiveness of our county with our quarterly Win-dex Awards. The awards give residents the chance to pick businesses they think deserve recognition for looking good. Since 2007, the Win-dexes have recognized 80 businesses that present inviting appearances. The Liberty County Chamber of Commerce and Keep Liberty Beautiful sponsor the quarterly awards.

We are accepting nominations for this quarter through June 30. So take a look around for businesses to thank for great shopping and business experiences.

Here are points to think about for a nomination:

Are the building, sidewalks, landscaping and parking lot clean and litter-free? Is the grass mowed? Is the entrance inviting?

When judging, we also consider whether the business is active in community programs, such as Adopt Liberty and municipal cleanups. Businesses that are good stewards get extra points.

The easiest way to nominate a business is to call in 912-880-4888 or email us your nomination, the location and the reason the business deserves the award. Our email address is

Be sure to give reasons for nominating a business. Also, feel free to nominate your business or employer.

For more information about Win-dex or other Keep Liberty Beautiful programs, call Keep Liberty Beautiful at 912-880-4888, email keeplibertycounty or go to You can also follow KLB on Facebook and Instagram.

Swida is director of Keep Liberty Beautiful.

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