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Liberty County riders place well in 2018 Georgia Pro-Am
sports Bobbie McDonald and horse 2018
Bobbie McDonald of Liberty County rode for Pine Haven Stables in Brunswick during the 2018 Pro-Am Horse Show in Perry last week.

Virgina Sue Nutting was the big winner at the annual Pro-Am Horse Show of Georgia last week at the Georgia National Fair Grounds and Agricenter in Perry.

Riding for Southern Legacy Stables in Allenhurst, she took first place wins in five classes, saddle seat equitation and pleasure, and hunt seat in various age groups.

Liberty County riders competed in 29 of 167 classes, and they placed in all 29 classes which consisted of academy and performance competitions.
Another Southern Legacy rider, Ann Nutting, won the lead line competition.
Caitlin Jarriel is owner and trainer for Southern Legacy Stables.

Pine Haven Stables in Brunswick had four Liberty County riders, Bobbie McDonald, Evanne Floyd, Elizabeth Rogers and Bunny Braun. They competed in 21 classes and place in 19.

Floyd placed second in three gaited, park pleasure amateur and third in three gaited park pleasure stake.
Lindsey Dasher, Pine Haven trainer, said, “The competition this year was very tough, I am very pleased with the way our riders competed.”

After 40 years, the Pro-Am Horse Show is one of the top equestrian events in the Southeast. More than 50 barns participated with 200 riders and 150 horses competing.

Pine Haven will host a local show on April 21.

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