Several riders from Midway’s Dixie Stables brought home high placings from the Georgia National Fair Championship American Saddlebred Horse Show, held Oct. 6 in Perry.
The big winner for Dixie Stables was Spc. Katie Rose Martin, who is the training-room NCO for Charlie Company of the 26th Brigade Support Battalion on Fort Stewart.
Martin, riding Jacque Rules, won first place in all walk, trot, canter showmanship and equitation competitions.
She finished off the competition winning the overall championships for walk, trot and canter. This is Martin’s first year riding in saddleseat competition.
When asked what the key to her success has been this year she said, “hard work and enjoying the ride.”
Madison Chenevert, age 6, riding Storm on the Rise, won the lead line competition. This was Madison’s second blue ribbon for the year. Emily Egner, also riding Storm on the Rise, had two third-place finishes in the WT equitation and showmanship classes, prevailed in the 10-and-younger walk trot championship and won the coveted reserve champion’s ribbon.
Lily Darsey gave Storm on the Rise her last ride of the day and placed second and third in the equitation and showmanship classes in walk trot 11-and-older classes en route to winning reserve champion in the 11- and-older walk trot championships.
Sandra Scully, riding Jacque Rules, earned second and third places in the ASB park pleasure performance classes.
Dixie Stables owner Lynn Pace was ecstatic over the accomplishments of her young riders.
“They have all worked very hard and in their walk trot classes. It was very competitive,” she said.
Two shows remain on the fall schedule: the Oct. 19 show at Bluff Creek Stables in Midway and the Georgia Fall Classic on Nov. 16-17 in Perry.
Dixie Stables riders win big at state fair

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