So, if I run for president, don’t vote for me. Because, if you read Patty Leon’s story on coach Readie Kelly in Wednesday’s Courier, you probably recall a spot where it said she’s the longest-tenured coach currently at Bradwell Institute.
That’s not so, but the fault isn’t Patty’s, it’s mine. In truth, and at the risk of sounding like Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, I made a mistake. I failed to recall that coach Janet Reddick still is on the job. Reddick, you see, is in her 29th season as a coach while Kelly is wrapping up her 25th year. Currently coaching tennis, Reddick also coached BI girls’ basketball back in the day and was quite good at it. She was named the Savannah Morning News’ top girls’ coach in 1991. In 1993, her DeLisha Milton-led team went 29-1 and made it all the way to the state championship. More recently, Reddick filled in for Faye Baker after the 2000 van accident that left Baker paralyzed. I knew all that. I just didn’t remember it. Sorry, coach.
Sorry, coach Reddick, but blame me I pulled a Newt G.
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