"Murder Two Point Uh-Oh!" a “happy-to-hysterical, high-wire, interactive comedy mystery dinner theater,” will be presented Friday at Club Stewart.
The dinner theater costs $30 per person at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is served at 7. The show begins at 7:15.
The cast was selected and rehearsals began on Monday.
For more information, call 368-2212.
Post-wide garage sale
The post-wide garage sale, at housing units on Stewart and Hunter, will be from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday. A map of sales is being posted online at stewartmwr.com and huntermwr.com.
Military and civilians are invited to the shop. Only residents of post housing are eligible to sell.
For more information, call 767-8238 at Stewart or 315-5078 on Hunter.
Bass tournament
A catch-and-release bass tournament will be from 6:30 a.m.-noon Saturday at Metz Pond 26 on Fort Stewart. Prizes will be based on the weight of up to five bass.
Fishing is allowed from the bank and boats, but no trolling motors and no live bait will be permitted. Fishing is open to soldiers, family members, retirees and civilians.
Military ID card holders with boat safety cards may rent boats at Holbrook Recreational Equipment Checkout. Anglers must have state and post fishing permits.
For additional information, call 435-8061 on Stewart or 315-5163 on Hunter.
Weightlifting competition
“The Rock” Power Lifting and Bench Press Competition will be Saturday at Newman Fitness Center. Weigh-in begins at 8:30 a.m. and the competition at 10:15.
There will be 11 weight classes. In power lifting, awards will be presented using Schwartz-Malone Power Lifting formula.
In bench press, the highest overall weight lifted determines winners.
For more information, call 767-3031.
Income Tax Day Bowling
Let Stewart Bowling Center show you how much they appreciate your patronage, with free shoe rental when you bowl on income tax deadline day, April 15, from 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Call 767-4273
Wheels Day
Wheels Day, giving Fort Stewart youngsters a chance to explore safety vehicles and vehicles their parents drive and maintain, will be 9 a.m.-noon April 19 at the Child Development Center.
The free event is part of the celebration of April as Month of the Military Child.
Fire and police vehicles will be on display, along with various Army vehicles and equipment. Face-painting and craft activities will add to the fun.
The community is invited. For more information, call 767-3202.
National Hang Out Day
April 19 is Hang Out Day at Corkan Family Fun Center. “Hang out” with the staff 3-8 p.m. and get discounts on roller skating. The cost is $3 for rental/admission. For more information, call 767-4273.
Ladies on the Links 5
Register by April 19 for free clinics for women April 20 and 27 from 9-10 a.m. at Hunter Golf Course.
Day 1 focuses on putting, short game and rules. Day 2 focuses on full swings, rules and history.
For more information, call 315-9115.
BOSS car, bike show
A BOSS-sponsored competitive car and bike show will be from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 20 at the Paul E. Smith Education Center.
Public admission will be $1 per person.
Participant fees are $20 per vehicle and $15 per bike; groups with more than 10 vehicles is $15 per car and $10 per bike. Late registration, starting April 15, will be $30 for both vehicle and bike.
For information, call Staff Sgt. Z. Dickey, 320-7759; Sgt. S. Carrier, 571-0688 (Hunter) or SPC A. Skinner, 321-8790.
Toddler Earth Day
Toddlers are invited to join Corkan staff April 22 from 10-11:30 a.m. in the annual planting of the Toddler's Earth Day flower bed at Cypress Creek. For more information, call 767-4273.
Intramural softball
Register by April 18 for intramural softball, starting on April 22 at Bennett Sports Complex. Games will be played Monday-Thursday at 6, 7 and 8 p.m.
Companies interested in playing need to submit a memo to Bennett Sports office. There is no charge. For more information, call 767-8238.
Golf Scramble
Register by April 24 for the Garrison Commander’s Golf Scramble, which will have a 1 p.m. shotgun start April 26 at Taylors Creek Golf Course.
Col. Kevin Gregory invites you to play. But play is limited to the first 25four-person teams. The cost is $35 per soldier, retiree, Army civilian and Taylors Creek or Hunter Golf Course member; or $45 per civilian guest.
For more information, call 767-2370.
FMWR on web
Visit the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation website for information about it offers soldiers and families at Fort Stewart/Hunter. The site is at http://www.stewartmwr.com/.
Also, like the action on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/FortStewartHunterFMWR.