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Community reacts to Obama election
obama react
State Rep. Al Williams, center left, Mayor Pro Tem Charles Frasier, center right, Liberty Regional Medical Center chief of staff Dr. Seth Borquaye, right, and other Democrat supporters celebrate Tuesday night at the Liberty County Democratic headquarters after Sen. Barack Obama was declared the 44th U.S. president. - photo by Photo by Marguerite West for the Coastal Courier

   “I’m just so happy to be alive to see some of the efforts in Liberty County and other places come to life. It’s a momentous occasion. I’m just so thrilled. The excitement brought tears to my eyes. So many that have gone on worked hard to see this day. I thank God that I was able to witness this event. I felt happiness filled with tears.”

Mary L. Baggs, 97, long-time resident of Riceboro and widow of the first black county commissioner.


   “He seems to be very competent. Being a (veteran), I support our commander-in-chief and I think we’ll fare well under his leadership. This is good — I have no qualms with Obama being the president. I just look forward to him making those changes he promised (and) hoping the areas we have a downturn in will recover speedily.”

Paul Spence, Veterans Council
of Liberty County chairman


  “I’m absolutely delighted. It is an opportunity for us to really move forward on some issues that are near and dear to me: helping the middle class, creating jobs and growing America from the bottom up. Doing it from the top down has not worked. I think we will see him (Obama) work in a bipartisan way to steer us off the wrong path we’re on in foreign policy and the military.”

Riceboro Mayor Bill Austin


    “This is so powerful. For somebody like me who works in the community and working with young kids and always telling them they can be what they want to be — what Barack has done has made the way even better. Hope won this election and America won.”


Dr. Seth Borquaye, Liberty Regional Medical Center chief of staff, who is originally from Ghana


   “After looking at all the things African-Americans have gone through in America, this election tells us that we can become anything that we desire to be. Racism is not dead, however, this election has dealt it (racism) a serious blow.”

Hermon Scott, pastor of
Baconton Missionary Baptist Church


   “People are people. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re red, yellow, purple — color shouldn’t matter as long as they can do the job. I don’t know if the best person was elected, but we all need to unite and  come together.”

Leah Poole, executive director of the
United Way for the Coastal Empire, Liberty


   “(Obama) will be an asset to the South and to the whole country. It doesn’t help the system of checks and balances, but President Obama will be a good leader. I’m happy.”

Don Emmons, Midway mayor

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