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City showcasing its assets
Mayor Jim Thomas
Editor, During the week of April 19-25, the city of Hinesville will join other cities across Georgia in celebrating Georgia Cities Week. This week has been set aside to recognize the many services city governments provide and their contribution to a better quality of life in Georgia.
Our theme, “Georgia Cities ... A Story To Tell,” pays tribute to the roles cities play in contributing to community betterment throughout Georgia.
City government is truly government of, by and for the people. The people who are making the decisions about our community are your neighbors, business owners and community leaders.
During this week, we want to recognize the role city government plays in our lives: from historic preservation, to trash collection, to public safety, to promoting the area’s culture and recreation. We hope you will join us in this celebration and learn more about the city of Hinesville and how it operates for you.

Mayor James Thomas Jr.

Editor’s note: To see a complete list of Georgia Cities Week events scheduled for the week, click here.
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