Editor, I wish to take this opportunity to respond to the article appearing in Sunday’s Courier entitled “County feeling money crunch” by Mr. Joe Parker Jr.
There is no way, I say again, there is no way that the county could be experiencing or feeling any kind of money crunch. Good heavens, y’all, it just can’t be true. I urge the county’s CFO, Ms. McGlothlin, to double-check her figures. Why only a few weeks ago Liberty County’s Chairman “McGiver” and his band of uncontrolled spenders were all singing in chorus about how the Department of Natural Resources “mandated” or influenced them to purchase a once-in-a-lifetime $1.5 million piece of real estate to build a new marina on. It was Ms. McGlothlin who blessed this extravaganza. Several news articles about this appeared in the Courier. Thanks, Courier.
We cannot, in any way, shape or form be experiencing a money crunch in our county. Not with the gene-pool of talent we’ve attracted. It just can’t be. Why it was only a few short weeks ago that the merry band, the mayor, city manager and Ms. McGlothlin performing like the Bradwell Tigerettes at a halftime show, announced their plan to purchase a “French” bus service for Hinesville and Liberty County. Golly, “dang the torpedoes, full speed ahead” must of been the cry of our county CFO. Could her slogan be: “Why there’s money enough for everything,” “Don’t worry, cause there’s more where that came from” or “I never met a dollar I couldn’t spend”? Several news articles about this appeared in the Courier. Thanks, Courier.
My friends, we cannot, I say once again, we cannot be experiencing any kind of money crunch. Please, let me reassure you that while you’re busy watching the “Simpsons,” and those sex-crazed, unclothed boys and girls on “Head of Household” and “Survivor,” our Liberty County chairman, his merry band of uncontrolled spenders, the mayor, city manager, and our attentive CFO are looking out for “we the people.” You know the folks — us and taxpayers of Liberty County. Why our civil servants are “on duty.” They’re kinda like the charge-of-quarters (CQ) in a military barracks. Why, they came up with a brilliant plan to build a new and bigger money pit to funnel our tax dollars into. It’s called — “drum roll, please” — a judicial center. Outstanding, huh? It’ll only cost upwards of $31 million, with the usual cost over-runs and other possible shenanigans, if we’re lucky. Hey, the one built a few years ago doesn’t serve our needs anymore! We residents and taxpayers should take pride in their poor planning and lack of vision. Why wasn’t the right one built then? You know, one with enough room for future growth? We’ll all sleep good, with this gene-pool looking after us. Oh, one last example, take the new road project being built. The new Highway 196, linking Highways 84 and 17. Where 196 meets 17 north there’s no overpass? Good job y’all. Great planning. There’s still gonna be the same traffic jam at that intersection that we’ve all grown to love, and become accustomed to. Well, there’s always next week. So, county commission, mayor, city manager, and CFO, keep those lightbulbs burning (maybe candles), and keep up the (less than) mediocre work.
John Howard