Deeds filed with the Liberty County Clerk of Courts from March 6-18, show the following property transfers:
Zimmerman, George to Fulcrum Loan Holdings LLC: Book 1854, page 827: tax $271: description: Lot C-6 South Hampton, phase 1, 15GMD.
King, Joyce to Blount, Carl: Book 1854, page 814: Tax $7: description: parcel 1 being 1.081 acres and parcel 2 being 3.718 acres in the 15th GMD.
Sweat, Kay to Murphy, Ronald: Book 1855, page 38: Tax $34: description: Unit 30 Building E phase 2
EH Pooled 114 LP to Barss, Robert: Book 1855, page 34: Tax $36.50: description: Lot 53 Mary L. Caines Subdivision, 1458 GMD.
John, Brenda to Gamble, Zipporah and Preston: Book 1854, page 946: Tax $114.50: description: Lot 48 Hawthorne Subdivision phase 2, 1458 GMD
Hiott, Nanthalee to Cowart, Louis: Book 1855, page 161: Tax $35: description: Lot 3 section M, Lake George Inland lots, 1476 GMD.
Bank of America N.A. to Boyce, Brandon: Book 1855, page 228: Tax $100: description: Lot 43 and half of lot 42, 1359 GMD.
ACE Coastal Builders to Lamb, John: Book 1855, page 276: Tax $194.90: description: .59 acres in the 1359 GMD.
Cho, Yong to Bailey, Jayshaun: Book 1855, page 496: Tax $149.90: description: Lot 184 Fairington Subdivision, phase 1, 1458 GMD.
Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC to Cook, Vernon: Book 1855, page 480: Tax $123.70: description: Lot 8 section B, Cherokee Rose Subdivision, 1458 GMD.
Greco, Veronica to Brouillette, James and Amariles: Book 1855, page 461: Tax $215: description: Lot 6 Sea Brook Island, phase 3, 1476 GMD.
U.S. Bank National Association to Wu, Xian: Book 1855, page 560: Tax $55: description: Lot 40 Lancaster Estates, 17 GMD.
Rowe, Edmund to Parise, Robert: Book 1855, page 585: Tax $55: description: Lots 38, 39 and 40, Half Moon Plantation, 1359 GMD.
Waters, Jack to Copeland, Gary: Book 1855, page 717: Tax $475: description: Lot 9, Drum Pointe Subdivision, 1359 GMD.
Dryden Enterprises Inc. to Cook, Anthony: Book 1855, page 721: Tax $185.40: description: Lot 251 Griffin Park Subdivision, phase 6, 1756 GMD.
Rhodan, Jeffrey to Gross, Timothy: Book 1855, page 765: Tax $99: description: Lott 229 Waterfield Subdivision, 1458 GMD.
Booth, William to Castillo, Kelvin: Book 1855, page 752: Tax $88.90: description: Lot 37 Pineridge Plantation, phase 1, 1458 GMD.
Tidal Solutions LLC to Page, Malcolm: Book 1855, page 859: Tax $83.90: description: Lot 34 Oakridge Subdivision, phase 1, 1458 GMD.
Fryar, Joseph to Patterson, Janice: Book 1855, page 796: Tax $123: description: Lot 41, Sherwood Forest, phase 2, 17 GMD.
Cappuchi, Anthony to Cappuchi, Tony-Rocco: Book 1855, page 776: Tax $144: description: Tract 8 Briola Heights Subdivision, 1359 GMD.
Dryden Enterprises Inc. to Guptill, Miranda and Ross: Book 1856, page 14: Tax $186: description: Lot 21, the Villages at Limerick, 1476 GMD.
Colon, Daisy to Moore, Lashana: Book 1856, page 79: Tax $85: description: Lot 54 Timber Ridge Subdivision, phase 2, 17 GMD.
Eastern View Holdings LLC to Dubose, Stephen: Book 1856, page 45: Tax $59.90: description: Lot 18, Spartina Landing, 1359 GMD.
No taxes paid
Chandler, Kenneth to Chandler, Patricia: Book 1854, page 919: description: Lot 16, Block one Colonel’s Island, 1359 GMD.
Blake, Mamie to the city of Walthourville: Book 1854, page 889: description: parcel of land for proposed pump station in 1458 GMD, 192 B Talmadge Road.
Thomas, George to GFT Property Holdings LLC: Book 1855, page 10: description: Lot 47 Forest Heights Subdivision, 2nd installment, 1359 GMD.
Pack, Anthony to Bank of America: Book 1855, page 6: description: Lot 30 Dutchman’s Cove, phase 2, 1359 GMD.
Lambert, Ronchael to Selene Finance: Book 1855, page 93: description: Lot 4 containing 1.206 acres more or less, 1756 GMD.
Delaney, Ernest to Green Tree Servicing LLC: Book 1855, page 70: description: Lot 10, Northwest Woods Subdivision, 17 GMD.
Green Tree Servicing LLC to Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Book 1855, page 81: description: Lot 10, Northwest Woods Subdivision, 17 GMD.
Goss, Sadaetirs to Smith, Vivian and Sadaetirs: Book 1855, page 68: description: 1.18 acres in the 1458 GMD.
Black, Don to Green Tree Servicing LLC: Book 1855, page 45: description: Lot 85 Lexington Subdivision, phase 1, 1458 GMD.
Green Tree Servicing LLC to Secretary of HUD: Book 1855, page 56: description: Lot 85 Lexington Subdivision, phase 1, 1458 GMD.
Martin, Joseph to Martin, Pamela: book 1855, page 271: description: Lot 38 and 39, Lands of Limerick 1476 GMD.
Fuller, Venus to Fuller III, Ceasar: Book 1855, page 274: description: .93 parcel C, 1359 GMD. Sunbury Road tract 3.
Rowe, Pasco to Rowe, Pasco and Connie: Book 1855, page 399: description: 478 Dykes St., 1458 GMD.
Estate of Thelma Baker to Downtown Development Authority: Book 1856, page 108: description: lot in 17 GMD.
Estate of Thelma Baker to Betty Ann Harley, Kathellen Harley and Michelle Jones: Book 1856, page 105: description: lot in 17 GMD.
Estate of Thelma Baker to Downtown Development Authority: Book 1856, page 114: description: lot 69 Frasier Subdivision, 17 GMD.
Ravin Barzani Ex Officio Sheriff of Liberty County Virgil Jones to Hallum, Morris: Book 1856, page 121: description: Lot 172 Deer
Trail Section Woodland Lakes Resort, 1476 GMD.
Tommie L Jones Ex Officio Sheriff of Liberty County Virgil Jones to Wesley, James: Book 1856, page 119: description: Campsite 247 Forest Village Section Woodland Lakes, 1476 GMD.
Max Copeland Ex Officio Sheriff of Liberty County Virgil Jones to Stewart, Merita: Book 1856, page 117: description: 1.122 acres in the 1756 GMD.