Dear Editor,
JD Vance is one seriously disturbed individual. The citizens of Ohio got snookered when they voted for him to be their senator. They thought he was an upstanding Christian, an “acclaimed author,” a “man of the people.” They did not realize he was nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing — which the Bible warns us about — who greedily sold his sold to the Devil, just for a chance to be a so-called “big shot.” He embraces none of the “Christian values” Jesus preached. (Neither does Trump.)
Then Trump came calling. Another seriously disturbed individual, emotionally scarred by his abusive father, permanently warped from any normal, rational human values — another wolf in sheep’s clothing — who lied his way into the national discourse, and caused untold damage along the way. We are still suffering from his many abuses of the body politic.
It will take this country many years to get beyond the damage Trump has already caused. God forbid he gets another chance to wreak more havoc on this country.
All those who have dutifully fallen in behind his wake are just as complicit in the wickedness he has unleashed. They are just as guilty, for failing to rise up and stop his evils. They knew better, and did what they did anyway. That makes their sins worse. All for what?
Buddy Carter, I am talking to you. Lindsey Graham, your shame will follow you to the grave. All the rest of the R-etarded people (those with an “R” behind their names) who knew better, or should have known better, will have much to answer for when they go to meet their Maker.
Hopefully, JD Vance will soon be but a distant memory, come November, as the worst V.P. candidate this country has ever seen. The only good that may come from his selection as Trump’s VP candidate will be his effect to accelerate the implosion of the “Trump-Vance” ticket, an outcome devoutly wished for.
This country was built on many positive values. These two idiots would destroy everything this country stands for, and for what – a “moment of glory as ‘top dogs’”?
I cringe at the thought.
Raphael Semmes