Elan Technology, a manufacturer in Midway, has announced the approval of a rotary calciner project that includes construction of a 15,000 square foot building and expansion of its workforce.
"We’ve begun construction of the building and have contracted with Heyl Patterson for the new rotary calciner," Terry McCormick, Elan chief operating officer, said. "Once the project is completed later this year, we anticipate adding approximately 10 percent to our workforce."
The company did not say how many people it employs now. It also declined to say how much the project is costing.
Elan is the largest independent U.S. company in its field and has produced advanced ceramic and glass products for more than 70 years. The materials serve a number of industries, including the automotive, telecommunications, appliance, electronic, aerospace, and defense industries.
In 2017, Georgia named Elan Technology its Georgia Automotive Innovator of the Year.
The new building will house the rotary calciner, which is an industrial size dryer, and automated material handling equipment. Calciners can be used in a variety of heat applications, such as drying or decomposition of bulk materials.
McCormick said the project will expand Elan’s materials processing capability, adding value for existing customers and creating the opportunity to attract new ones.
The new equipment will be an indirect fired rotary calciner, which means it will be heated from the outside of an enclosed chamber and can process materials that are sensitive to oxidation, susceptible to contamination, are fine or dusty, or thermally sensitive. As a result of these advantages, the indirect fired rotary calciner is able to process a variety of materials.