Cognia released the District Accreditation Engagement Review Report from the March visit on April 14, 2021.
Cognia defines continuous improvement as “an embedded behavior rooted in an institution’s culture that constantly focuses on conditions, processes, and practices to improve teaching and learning.”
Accreditation is pivotal in leveraging education quality and continuous improvement.
During the three-day review of system evidence and interviews, the Cognia team gained a broad understanding of the district’s quality and rated effectiveness of the Performance Standards based on three Domains: Leadership Capacity, Learning Capacity, & Resource Capacity. All standards were rated highly falling into the top two of four possible categories.
Cognia also provides the Index of Education Quality (IEQ) as a holistic measure of overall performance based on the standards and the criteria reviewed. The IEQ results are measured on a scale of 100 to 400, Liberty County Schools scored 345.32, meaning our practices are becoming ingrained in the culture of the system exceeding the 5-year range average of 278.34 – 283.33. “As we persist in our journey for continuous improvement, the Cognia Accreditation verifies that our system embodies our theme Excellence in Everything. We will continue to strive for excellence as we move forward with our vision in strategic planning for success,” stated Dr. Franklin Perry, Superintendent of Schools. The entire report can be reviewed on the district website at